well as free time contributor with commit access to current repository, I followed this gerrit story. So not kind of surprise, but yeah, until THIS mail and posts, was me very unclear what it would mean.

To say it, first I had a lot of doubt. Reading mails, entry in the wiki, looking the web ans thinking, I now have the feeling this could be a good move.

Just to say, I basically just really do not like the fact of having to use openId, would prefer to have an account at fd.o. I did it really for the LibO, a kind of forced to. And NO, I do NOT have any google, flickr, facebook or other account. Do not trust them enough to put my data there, so to use them as authentication.... But no choice (!) I kind of understood. [+1 for / to Lionel thread]

I - sorry - do not want to read a lot gerrit documentation, I am here already in my free time. So I raise some questions that are not clear for me, that I did not saw in the wiki, based on my previous experiences. Here some points:

1. I have been beaten back by tinderbox (Mac OS X hurt me well), fixing some stupid point of my commits run after run. So would this workflow be supported :
some patch done
I push to gerrit and let tinderbox run. In case of success I get ? a +1 of each tinderbox ? How do I know it passes with success. Once tinderbox is successful, since my change is small or I am confident with, I put a +2 to my patch, which means this will insert automatically it to master. So I will be able to positive review my own patch ?

2. If I have several patches, that need to be together, how should I proceed with pushing them together to gerrit ? (If I want to have three patches in the same review ID from gerrit) ?

1. I followed the asked process of setting up an account, etc.. mailed to Norbert so he can match my fd.o account to gerrit. Well, how may I now see that I actually have / will have commit access to gerrit repo ?

2. When my ssh key expires, it is enough to just change it into my gerrit account ?

3. May be a stupid remark, but why do not use this way (opening gerrit account ) then to ask for license stuff ? You would have to ack to be able to open account, or to load patches. This would ease, ensure the process towards this goal ?

Thanks & Regards

On 06/18/2012 12:09 PM, Bjoern Michaelsen wrote:

Hi all,



gerrit is documented and ready to go. Please use it for code review as much as
possible now as it simplifies things a lot over manual patch fiddling on
mailing lists. I will update the EasyHacks to point to gerrit instead in the
next days.
The last remaining step will be making the repo at gerrit the reference (and
the one at freedesktop a read-only mirror). I assume that to be prepared and
done until mid-July(*).
From that point on, we will have a lot of opportunity to improve our tinderbox
testing and reporting, making life easier and better for everyone working on
the codebase.



(*) Along with the "other" repos.
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