Me and my friends are trying to work on to embedd SQLite under base instead
of hsqldb. For that we are trying to understand how BASE works with HSQLDB
for now. We've been debugging Libreoffice for a while now. In our search
for code relating to HSQLDB, we've gone through the code in the "load"
function of "dbloader2.cxx" found in the "source/filter/xml" directory
under the "dbaccess" module as well as the code in "connection.cxx" file
found in the "source/code/dataaccess" folder, also under the "dbaccess"
module. We've seen how the wizards and the windows for Base are initialized
and then displayed and how the connection is established when the tables
are to be accessed. However, we haven't been able to locate the portion of
code that actually initializes HSQLDB. Please give us an idea of how to
proceed further.

Regards Waqas
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