
On Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 08:03:00AM +0200, John Smith wrote:
> Well, after a lot of tweaking, I almost have 'configure' working with
> '--with-system-libs' now, except for saxon.
> Running configure with my system saxon gives me : configure: error:
> saxontest could not be compiled, non-functional saxon jar
> Even though I have saxon installed. I cant figure out whats going
> wrong here. Ive attached my config.log for details, if anyone wants to
> look at it.

You cannot use system saxon, because the open source HE variant does not
support all the features we need
(http://www.saxonica.com/feature-matrix.html). I guess that does not
matter for static analysis, but then saxon is java, not C++, so it does
not get in the way :-)

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