Le Sun, 16 Jun 2013 09:29:37 +0200, Andras Timar <tima...@gmail.com> a

Hi Mat,

On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 1:15 AM, Mat M <m...@gmx.fr> wrote:

I'm tackling back to fdo#39632 [1]. But I have a question about current
I started my work with checkdirectory.cxx[2] , which is called 2 times
during a typical install.

Moreover, even if we find the file, nothing is done, so this could be
removed, no ?

Well, MSI_ERROR_DIRECTORY_NOT_EMPTY is set, and we can check for it in
the install log. But it is true, that we don't handle this in
installer code. I have a feeling that consolidating this module will
be in fact deleting most of the custom actions at the end of the day.
:) Please check file history and old OOo bugzilla, why a custom action
was introduced in the first place, and if you think that it is
useless, remove it.


CAs (Custom Action) outside shellextensions are fine.
About shellextensions ones, here is my status:

* checkdirectory.cxx : was like this from start. So always useless :)
        => to be removed
* completeinstallpath.cxx : handle the first level directories :
      // This CustomAction is necessary for updates from OOo 3.0, OOo 3.1
and OOo 3.2 to versions
      // OOo 3.3 or later. This is caused by a change of INSTALLLOCATION,
that starting with OOo 3.3
// contains the name of the product again (instead of only "c:\program
files"). Unfortunately
      // this causes in an update installation, that INSTALLLOCATION is set
to "c:\program files",
      // so that in an OOo 3.3 or later, the directory "program" or "share"
are directly created
      // below "c:\program files".
        => Shall we remove it ?
* vistaspecial.cxx: i#94560 .
        => To keep.
* startmenuicon.cxx: was used to have a special icon on start menu folder. Disabled since vista.
        => to be removed
* upgrade.cxx: i#43855 [1]. Not sure we want to reproduce use case from comment 6.
        => to confirm
* checkpatches.cxx: used for upgrades (differential msi). Check if previous patches have been applied.
        => to keep, hoping for the return of .msp :)
* layerlinks.cxx: handle creation of a ure-link file at root. this file is used to abstract URE path in code (mainly installation related, though). My question is: could we create this file during instsetoo and add it as a simple file in the MSI, so CustomAction could be removed ?
        => to keep for now
* migrateinstallpath.cxx: used to emulate upgrade pahse with 2 MSI with no upgradecode inside.
        => to keep for now.

If no voice raise, I will proceed accordingly before tackling back to fdo#39632.

Best Regards

Mat M
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