On Wed, Feb 19, 2014 at 11:19:53AM -0500, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
> Yet, it's the core developers who will likely be called in to answer
> "hey my build failed with this python test, tell me what's wrong!!!"

In subsequentcheck? If that should indeed be the case even then, we can make a
separate "make pythoncheck" target.

> Now you are the one being academic here.  Stick to the topic please,
> which is whether or not Python tests should be used to test core
> functionality.  Nobody is talking about boost here.

I am talking about testing the _product_ here.

> But to answer that question, if we discover a bug in boost, that should
> be fixed and tested in the boost project. Not us.

A bug in boost is a bug in LibreOffice. At least on Windows, but for TDF builds
also elsewhere. And a test that finds a bug is still a good test, even if it
wasnt written for that.


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