hellekin <helle...@gnu.org> writes:

> On 09/14/2015 12:12 PM, Aaron Wolf wrote:
>> Thanks John, I agree. I am guilty of some assumptions of bad faith.
> Online conversations lack the bandwidth of actual human contact, while
> cultural and language differences are more prominent.  "Assume good
> will*" is a great axiom to live by online.  Whenever you see or read
> something that's shocking to you, cool down and try to imagine someone
> else's shoes from where that thought could come by: it's a necessary
> step towards understanding, and conflict resolution.  Of course, it's
> easier said than done.  In asynchronous communication: take your time
> before responding :)

That's a great point. Thank you for writing that.

> ==
> hk
> *: Assume Goodwill is one of the few rules expanded by Howard Rheingold
> in "Net Smart: How to Thrive Online".  It first appeared in 1998 in
> http://rheingold.com/texts/artonlinehost.html  It takes the premise that
> nobody has the whole picture, and that one should always cooperate on
> the first attempt.  This is a very powerful position that assumes
> cooperation wins over competition.  We know it does, right?

   "Cut your own wood and it will warm you twice"

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