"A. Mani" <a.mani....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 5:36 AM Aaron Wolf <wolft...@riseup.net> wrote:
>> On 2019-09-23 4:39 p.m., A. Mani wrote:
>>> In one keynote, RMS's response to a question was "Oh wait you're a woman! I 
>>> don't answer questions from women."  Furthermore there are ill-informed 
>>> statements on feminism in RMS's blog -- they mean RMS is still a slave of 
>>> the patriarchy.
>> That question response quote is so extreme, the most reasonable assumption 
>> is that it was said as a facetious joke. I have never encountered that 
>> anecdote before, so I have no context. But taking it at pure face value 
>> makes no sense to me whatsoever.
> That talk was terribly bad: 
> https://twitter.com/sh4na/status/1174034117077413889

Given how she contrived to paraphrase the ‘Holy Virgin of Emacs’ jest two 
messages below [0]: “This was about five minutes before he declared that it was 
the sacred duty of all male fans of emacs in the audience to take the virginity 
of women. On stage during the keynote” I would not take seriously even a word 
of that woman.  She seems to be of that kind who listens to a human, but hears 
voices in her head.

What are your reasons to believe her?

(For those who unfamiliar with St. Ignucius sketch, the relevant part before 
feminists compel Dr. Stallman to censor himself might read as: “And we also 
have the cult of the virgin of Emacs.  The virgin of Emacs is any female who 
has not yet learned how to use Emacs.  And in the church of Emacs we believe 
that taking her Emacs virginity away is a blessed act” [1].  Feel the 

> Strangely this was not stated on Linuxchix website and elsewhere.

Hmm...  Maybe it is not stated there, elsewhere and anywhere besides a 
microblog of some RMS-hater [2] because this is just another piece of libel?

[0] https://twitter.com/sh4na/status/1174044476022636546
[1] https://youtu.be/25ejlP0uWeI
[2] “Finally, FINALLY, people put enough pressure for the @fsf to get rid of 
Richard Stallman.  It would have been awesome if all the decades of him being 
the absolute worst would have been reason enough to get rid of him before, but 
hey, at least it happened in my lifetime.”
    — https://twitter.com/sh4na/status/1174030740037754882

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