Note: forgive me for double-posting, but people involved in this
conversation already did it and I lost track of who and don't know if
you all are subscribed to the list or not.

Em 31/07/2020 05:58, Msavoritias escreveu:
> As I said they mainly had issues with the UI/UX and some features that
> were missing like stickers. I searched for the second one and there

From the messages so far I can see that "missing features" that
Msavoritias mentioned so far are the ones described in the sections to
follow. However, if there is something else missing, please describe it.

# [ ] Sticker XEP/standard

For this I request that all parties interested contribute to [1] so that
it either becomes a XEP or is implemented using existing ones like what
is described in the issue's comments.

# [?] Widget implementations

If what Msavoritias refers to is a persistent notification showing how
many of your accounts are connected then go to Conversations
(eu.siacs.conversations), "Settings", under "Advanced" check
"Active/enable service".

However, if Msavoritias means any widget that stays in the
"desktop"/"start area" of the phone's screen, that depends on what
Msavoritias wants the widget to do, since no mobile operating systems
standardizes what types of widgets must be supported. In this sense,
Conversations (again, eu.siacs.conversations) has a 1 * 1 widget that
you can associate a contact to and it will behave as a shortcut to talk
to that address provided you are connected and have that person in the
contact list inside the XMPP account with which you are connected.

# References

[1] .

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