RMS announced he is back on the FSF board
        [1][1]https://twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1373905399707955202 but
     his name
        is not (yet?) on the FSF website
        [2][2]https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board/ ?

   So here's my tweet:
   "Hooray!!! #RMS is back on the board of the #FSF after being axed in
   2019. A plot by corporate vultures to rustle up opportunity to exploit
   #FreeSoftware, #MIT professors reciprocated by pretending that they
   didn't know how to read. #GNU #Linux
   Yes RMS' name is now at the end of the fsf page, but not as President:
   They've also axed Oliva for suggesting that prospective members send a
   message to the FSF indicating their wish to have RMS reinstated.This is
   Oliva's communication:

   "Would you make a pledge to become a new member, or to renew your
   membership, if the FSF gets Richard back in the board of directors?
   Please email it to the FSF contact address (info), copying myself
   (oliva, at fsf or gnu).

   Past communications in his favor have generally failed to reach the
   board of directors, and I believe this would be valuable information
   for the directors and voting members to have.

   Would you do that for me, for Richard, for the FSF, for the Free
   Software Movement? That would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance!"

   RMS will need his friends, like Oliva, by his side. Let's put the FSF
   on probation, until we're quite sure that RMS is not being constrained
   or "handled" in any way.
   Freedom - no pane, all gaiGN!
    1. GNU C-Graph - [5]http://www.gnu.org/software/c-graph
    2. Code Art Now - [6]http://codeartnow.com
    3. Abertheid Campaign - [7]http://www.abertheid.info
    4. Follow me on Twitter @AdrienneGT @GNUcgraph
    5. Let's Link Up: [8]https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriennegt/


   Visible links
   1. https://twitter.com/nixcraft/status/1373905399707955202
   2. https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board/
   4. https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board
   5. http://www.gnu.org/software/c-graph
   6. http://codeartnow.com/
   7. http://www.abertheid.info/
   8. https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriennegt/

   Hidden links:
  10. https://www.linkedin.com/in/adriennegt/
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