On Sat, 2021-05-08 at 20:52 +0300, Jean Louis wrote:
> * Dennis Payne <du...@identicalsoftware.com> [2021-05-08 19:20]:
> > Connecting at a lower level would probably give worse results. For
> > Gnome software for example, I don't believe they write text using
> > the X
> > Windows functions. Instead they handle that themselves and send the
> > image result to X. Additionally X Windows is generally on the way
> > out
> > with Wayland being the new thing.
> I get it.
> But I don't think that blind users would like to switch to bleeding
> edge software.

RHEL, Fedora, and Ubuntu use Wayland right now. X Windows is basically
in maintenance mode. The proposal I was referencing suggested moving
the accessibility layer lower in the X windows stack. If you started
working on that now, it probably wouldn't matter because X Windows will
have a small market share. (If it even worked which as I said is
unlikely because of the way libraries make use of X Windows.)

But if you think you can do better, I'd be happy to be proven wrong. I
just don't think Wayland is bleeding edge anymore.

Dennis Payne

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