* Arthur Torrey <arthur_tor...@comcast.net> [2021-04-29 05:21]:
> I sort of agree, but at the same time, it appears to me that the
> FLOSS software world is far less 'disability friendly' than the
> fruit company or the other big name OS....  My S.O has just become
> legally blind due to medical issues, and while I've been looking at
> what might be available in the way of low-vision setups, I've been
> rather underwhelmed...

Let us know some particulars as in which area it needs improvement?

I cannot know what you mean as I am not currently impacted.

Some references on accessibility:

Vinux, based on Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat, is a complete live
Linux distribution optimized for blind and visually impaired users. It
bundles screen readers, full-screen magnifiers, built-in support for
USB Braille displays, and optimized fonts and colors.


The Orca screen reader is the most fully-featured Linux screen
reader. It supports multiple speech synthesizers and Braille
displays. You need GNOME 2 for Orca to work because there are many
glitches in GNOME 3. As GNOME and KDE continue to present moving
targets stick with Vinux for best performance and least hassles.





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