Hi everyone.

Em [2021-07-21 qua 05:40:21+0200], Miroslav Rovis escreveu:

> Maybe somebody could notify the moderators about this at the relevant
> email address (Do you Jorge, have it at hand, remember when we had
> some of our emails filtered or whatever, you Cc'ed me and Greg sent us
> where to complain...)

I initially complained to <sysad...@gnu.org> about silently dropped
messages in this mailing list.  I got a reply telling me that the
problem was probably an accident.  They suggested trying to send it
again, and, if the problem persisted, emailing <campai...@fsf.org> (the
team that does the moderation).

I hope I am not violating netiquette by posting this information that I
got from a private email.  I did omit the person's name and I did not
quote their exact words, so I hope it is OK.

Anyway, if you do complain, I suggest assuming good faith and using a
conciliatory, friendly tone.  The FSF staff is already under pressure
and probably overworked.


- Disinformation flourishes because many people care about injustice
  but very few check the facts.  Ask me about <https://stallmansupport.org>
- I am Brazilian.  I hope my English is correct and I welcome feedback.
- https://www.defectivebydesign.org
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