hi all,

i would like firstly to express my immense gratitude for the forgiveness

thank you so much mr rms

then offer my sincere apologies, for not helping in making us all better persons. tried i did. but, you know me.

and i specially offer my apology to Devin, whom i oh so easily judged.

i am sorry Devin. (wish we could go for a beer and lough about it some day)


so there is this joke, and its a bad one, just skip to the last three lines of my letter

two friends are talking about a freudian slip

"you wouldn't believe what happened to me the other day. i wanted to buy two tickets to pitsbourough (and the lady was in full blossom) but instead of saying that, i said: could i please get two pickets to titsbourough."

"that's nothing", says the other one

"i wanted to say to my wife: would you kindly please pass me that salt dear

but what came out was: you fucking bitch you've ruined my life."

{i really hope it's obvious which one of the two quacks  is me}


i wish you all all the best



On 3. 03. 22 06:07, Richard Stallman wrote:
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]

   > backpaddle i shall not. apologise is a different thing.

   > i spoke my mind. my mind is wrong. am in the process of talking to my
   > mind, to see weather go with what most people read in Devins letter or
   > stay where i was - wrong.

I forgive you.  We all mistakes; we're all human.  The ability to
admit a mistake is a sign of a wise human.

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