On Tue, 2022-03-08 at 11:01 +0000, Jacob Hrbek wrote:
>  > I used the term "help your neighbor" to describe the purpose of
> freedom 2 because "help your neighbor" is a traditional way to refer
> to
> cooperating with your community and with the rest of society. -- RMS
> How is that justifying the use of free software in russian military
> to
> do war crimes worth of projected 1 000 000 civilian death _including
> children_?
In this case you're blaming the tool for the action of the wielder of
the tool.

> This is not cooperating with community and society, it's mass murder
> by
> complacency and sooner we take action on this the sooner the russian
> gov
> will have issues getting updates for GNU and FSF to contribute to the
> non-fascist side of this war.
The terms of the license are very clear. If you want to enforce other
terms you need another license.

Further, how do you propose we keep Russia from using Free Software?
Enforcing software licenses in the US is a difficult task and to do it
we don't need the backing of a military.

> On 3/6/22 06:13, Richard Stallman wrote:
> > [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please
> > consider    ]]]
> > [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all
> > enemies,     ]]]
> > [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.
> > ]]]
> > 
> >    > So again i repeat my argument the freedom 2 says: "The freedom
> > to
> >    > /redistribute/ and make c
> opies __so you can help your neighbour.__"
> > I used the term "help your neighbor" to describe the purpose of
> > freedom 2 because "help your neighbor" is a traditional way to
> > refer
> > to cooperating with your community and with the rest of society.  I
> > never intended it to mean that your use of freedom 2 was limited to
> > people that live near you.
> > 
> > Yeara ago I realized that people were getting the wrong idea from
> > that
> > word, so I started saying it differently.  But it took a long tine
> > to
> > recognize and replace the old wording in writing.
> > 
> > If you see anything which describes freedom 2 using the word
> > "neighbor",
> > please try to get it corrected.  If you see this on gnu.org, please
> > report it to webmast...@gnu.org.
> > 
> > Whether you redistribute a free program to any given user
> > is your choice.  Freedom 2 says you are free to do so, when you
> > wish.
> > However, as long as you're distributing the source code, it is
> > always
> > your choice whether to do it in any speci
> fic instance.
> > (The GNU GPL has a special rule for distributing a compiled form
> > without source code.  If you do that in certain ways, you will be
> > required to make the source code available laler.  That is so you
> > can't deny source code to the community.)
> > 
> > --
> > Dr Richard Stallman (https://stallman.org)
> > Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project (https://gnu.org)
> > Founder, Free Software Foundation (https://fsf.org)
> > Internet Hall-of-Famer (https://internethalloffame.org)
> > 
> > 
> --
> Jacob Hrbek, In support of ukraine sovereignty #supportUkraine
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