
On Mon, 2022-03-21 at 12:18 -0400, Greg Farough wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 21 2022, Jim Fulner <> wrote:
> > I'm having trouble finding links to the recordings of talks I wasn't
> > able to make.
> > 
> > 
> > Can someone help me find those, particualrly as due to religious
> > concerns I was uanble to do any on Sunday.
> The recorded talks aren't published quite yet. We're working on it,
> though, and aim to have them up in the next week or so.

I couldn't find a place on the web-site for feedback about the 2022 (virtual)
LibrePlanet conference so I'm posting it here.  My apologies if I'm out of line.
Obviously, all this is strictly my personal opinion.

On the up-side: The topics for this year's LibrePlanet were great.  I frequently
wanted to watch more than one at once.  This is one reason I too am looking
forward to being able to stream the recorded talks.  I think at least one reason
they were of such interest to me is that "Living Liberation" 100% (reaching the
top of the Freedom Ladder) has eluded me for decades.  So, naturally, talks
about subjects related to getting there were/are of great interest to me.

On the down-side: I have a 1.2Gbps Internet connection (in CO, USA) which I've
measured via

at between 800Mbps and 900Mbps down, and 30Mbps to 40Mbps up.  Despite this, the
connection for LibrePlanet couldn't keep up with real-time video resulting in
frequent pauses for "buffering".  Manually pausing to force buffering more data
would help for a while, but inevitably playback would empty the buffer once
again resulting in frequent pauses.  This appeared to be equally prevalent for
hi-res and low-res streams/connections.  By mid-afternoon (EDT) I couldn't stand
it anymore and gave up with a headache.  I skipped Sunday entirely.

I saw some traffic about this issue on IRC but it mostly seemed aimed a people
with slow Internet connections.  Not the case here.  Anyway, I'm hoping
streaming the recorded talks will work better.  Another reason I was curious
about the answer to the original question in the "access to talks" thread.

Finally: Lest anyone think I'm now "down" on virtual LibrePlanet, I'm not!  For
now, virtual is the only way I can expect to attend.  I'm incredibly grateful to
_everybody_ involved in making this happen: FSF personnel, presenters, other
attendees, and everybody else who in any way contributed!  I'm already looking
forward to next year. :)

Leland C. Best      | Creationists make it sound as though a 'theory' is |  something you dreamt up after being drunk all night.
                    | -- Isaac Asimov
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