Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2000 09:42:35 EDT
Subject: Re: H Re: the saga continues...

Karen, Neil is trying to put one over on you, I have seen him in person and 
he is on the underside of 40. He does appear to have been put up wet a time 
or two. More than likely the English weather. When in Arizona he had to keep 
spraying himself to keep from drying out and cracking.


In a message dated 7/5/2000 12:49:10 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 

>  Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 00:45:15 PDT
>  From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Subject: Re: H Re: the saga continues...
>  Karen, please.
>  There are those reading who are not of our advanced years and might be 
>  shocked if they thought that I, allegedly an English Gentleman, might 
>  expostulate, at a time of crisis, any epithet more violent than:
>  [check one]
>  o Oh dear
>  o Well how annoying
>  o Never mind
>  o What a pity
>  <grin>
>  Neil (wishing they still put 'profession' in passports so he could put 
>  'gentleman layabout' in his...)

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