Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 07:11:22 -0700
From: Derek Hamlet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: h Re: mouse pads

Yer all very very bad.  here I thought I was joining a list to expand my
knowledge of cyber possibilities through Libretto land and I find lewd and
lascivious intimations of a quasi sexual nature.
Let me tell you  that here in Canada now that the good people have elected
a new leader of the Allicance part; Canada will take steps to change this
behaviour.  We now have a potential leader who is more right wing than
anything the Republican party down in the land of Oz could even imagine.
George you just have to tweak it up a notch.
Obligatory Lib content; my replacement machine arrived, HDs and Ram have
been switched and I'm back in the land of a screen that works.
I now have a 50ct that works just fine (bare bones), but, has no screen
My intitial idea was to auction the cracked screen model to recoup some of
the cost of getting the replacment machine, now I keep thinking, hmmm,
should I keep this puppy on a shelf for parts, motherboard, keyboard, etc.
Ahh Decesions.
Karen, y'all just smarten up.  My momma won't let me flirt on the internet.
At 01:06 AM 7/13/00 -0700, you wrote:
>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2000 00:59:50 PDT
>From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: h Re: mouse pads
>Now is it just me with a vulgar immagination, or is Karen being suggestive 
>here? <grin>
>>That is true in most things...   but not all.

Derek Hamlet
Victoria B. C.

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