Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 23:01:29 PDT
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: HHH Re: h Re: mouse pads

>From: Karen R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: HHH Re: h Re: mouse pads
>Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 19:15:54 -0700
>Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 19:09:22 -0700
>From: Karen R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: HHH Re: h Re: mouse pads
>I'm so glad YOU understand that my tongue was very firmly
>in cheek the whole time I was writing that reply... and that my
>mind was running in full-blown facitious mode :-)
>I really must try harder to keep that in check in the future... and
>I truly hope that no one was offended by my lame attempt at humor.
>However, the "H"s are most convenient and should be sufficient
>warning to enter the email at one's own ris(que) :-)
>And did I not understand you saying that the bridge we WANT is not
>for sale??   Eh??
>ps:  how come no remark about me owning a miniskirt????


This group has its collective tongue so firmly in its cheek it's a wonder 
anything useful ever gets discussed...but somehow we seem to manage it. 
Miniskirt or not, nil carborundum illegitimi!

These days of course, the vast majority of the questions have been answered 
(and the technical replies from people like Pres and others have been 
accurate, timely, and helpful) so it's only when new owners arrive that they 
get asked again - or when someone like me does something 
adventurous/silly/lets the smoke out etc!

So this group is something of an enigma: in strict terms, there's a low 
signal/noise ratio because most of the message flow serves only as a 
reminder that the group is still alive...but when technical questions get 
asked, someone out there usually has an answer. What we don't see very often 
is flame attacks, and that is wonderful.

There's a problem which has been noted by wiser heads than mine in the past 
regarding email/lists etc: it can be very difficult to convey tense and mood 
which would, in a face to face conversation, be conveyed by tone of voice, 
facial expression, body language. For this reason alone, the H in the 
subject and other decorations such as smileys are very useful. However, 
sometimes these aren't always used and people have to be aware that if 
they're going to join the word play then they'll need to have elastic 

So keep it up - I can't speak for Derek but from reading his posts I think 
he was teasing you as much as you were teasing him...and you obviously got 
my point from my posts :) There's always a problem when humour from 
different cultures meets - my job requires that I function in *any* culture 
at sometimes a moments notice so I have to be very careful, but here I feel 
I can let my hair down and hopfully be forgiven if I tread on anyone's toes.



btw...what do you get if you cross the Thames with the Millenium Bridge?

(now I'm gonna have to explain *that* one!)
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