Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2000 04:24:18 GMT
From: "Fubar Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Boot+run Win2K from PC-card drive?

>>Suppose I get a friend in the west to procure a Toshiba
>>MK2001MPL 2Gb PC-card drive, copy the contents of a Win2K
>>CD onto it, and ship it to me - could I boot from my
>>recovery diskette, do a Win2K installation from the files
>>on the PC-card drive, and thereafter persuade the
>>Libretto to boot from the PC-card drive
>Very unlikely. The Libretto expects a floppy on the PC
>card. How could you tell it otherwise?

Thanks, Pres; that makes sense...
Could I boot from the recovery diskette, do the Win2K install (to the 
PC-card, from the files on the PC-card), and thereafter boot from a floppy 
and *then* run Win2K from the PC-card drive? I presume I'd need to create a 
floppy which will allow the Libretto to boot and see the PC-card drive from 
an A: prompt?

>OTOH why do you want a Libretto with a non-functioning

It's a temporary fix - I figure I can use the PC-card as my portable data 
back-up device in the future.

>Have your friend get a replacement drive, f-disk it in a
>Libretto to get the hibernation partition, format and sys:
>it to make it bootable, and copy the contents of the WIN2k
>into c:\disks\win2k
>Alternatively if you can't get a Libretto to f-disk it in,
>reserve at the end enough for hibernation. David Chein can
>advise on this.

I can organise the latter, but am reluctant as it's still under warranty and 
I'll invalidate the warranty when I break the seals, which will be bad news 
if it turns out that the problem is not with the HD, but with the controller 
(I'm presuming the controller is on the motherboard?)

>If the drive works in the Libretto you can install the
>drive and the OS.

If I do attempt this, I guess the new 20Gb IBM drive is the one to go for - 
has anyone reading this actually done this upgrade on a 110?

How do I physically get to the HD? Is is via the keyboard (ie from the top), 
or by removing the bottom half of the case (ie from underneath)?

>If the HDD controller is fried, sell it for the value of
>the display.

Hoping I can avoid that one way or another - it's only a few months old! 
Problem is, I bought it in Hong Kong and it looks like I'd have to return 
there to get it sorted.

Can anyone think of any way of determining where the problem is - the drive, 
or the controller - without breaking the seals?
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