Date: Sun, 10 Dec 2000 17:04:49 +0100
Subject: linux redhat 7 on a Libretto 50CT

hello ,

I got a problem during  the installation of linux Redhat 7.0 on a
libretto 50,
first of all , I don t know if it is possible , the only limitation
seems to be
the ram(32M instead of the 64 necessary) so I tried see....
I followed all the advices provided by the anarchy sofware web site s
for a redhat 6,
12 giga hard drive , 6 for win 98 , and the rest for linux ,
a copy of the redhat 7  and Suse 7 cds on the dos partition ,
no floppy , no pcmcia , no scsi , no other computer , I only own MY
(the best ) , launch loadlin and began the install process  ,
40 minutes later arrives Xconfigurator that don t  initialize correctly
I choose :
C T 65550 ,
1 Mega,
VGA standard 640 480 60 Hz ,
70 90 ,
640 480 16 bit ,
no clock ,

and launch the ignition , black screen , hard drive became noisy ,
well well well , but bad surprise , a first message appear that only neo

in matrox can read , and a second ,in a half of a second ,
that informed me that Xconfigurator detect a problem ,
maybe bla bla bla ......
Back or quit ?
I tried Back 36 times , and always the same thing happened .

Maybe X86 changes radically between redhat 6 and 7 ,
and the last version need a real AGP or PCI graphic card ,
or the video memory is not enough for the pantagruelics needs of GNOME
or KDE ,
who knows ? , this is my question .
Who knows ?
Is someone in this mailist could help me ?

from france
the stinking cheese country  :-)

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