Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 09:27:45 -0800
From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B7TechnoDragon=B7?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 98Lite and OE5...

>Can anyone who has used or is using 98lite confirm whether it leaves 
>outlook express or does this also get purged along with IE? I'm thinking 
>of trying it on my old man's 50 but he needs OE5...

      Tell him to use a /real/ email application, like the one in Netscape 
or Eudora. :)
      One of my employers was actually hit by an email virus from a 
spamming porn company. It emails him, and the virus then takes all of the 
email addresses in his database and sends them back to the company that 
initially sent it. The email virus then destroys itself.
      He asked me what he could do to avoid problems like that. I told him 
to switch to another email application. Not using flawed M$ software would 
fix the prob overnight, if not in 30 seconds.

|        the ·TechnoDragon·       |
|     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
| |

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