Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 09:16:04 +1300
From: Fran McGowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: 98Lite and OE5...

The free version of 98Lite will free up the space it just dosn't have as
many features as 98Lite Pro.
You can donate however much money you want but if it is over $25us then you
get the Pro version.


On Tue, 30 Jan 2001, you wrote:
> Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 10:25:22 -0800
> From: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=B7TechnoDragon=B7?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: 98Lite and OE5...
> >Good move on installing 98Lite.  Great program.
>       I remember when it used to be fre, then trial expiring after a month 
> or so. Now I just checked the site again,and it's demo. You can download 
> 98lite, but it'll only show you how much space will be freed up if you pay 
> money for the software. And $25 is asked for a piece of software that will 
> only be used once, or twice? :P
>       I have paid for windows 95, windows 98 and even have the COA's to 
> prove it, along with all of the other software I'm running. But I feel as 
> if software like this should be freeware. But then again, the author for 
> his / her time and trouble in writing it should deserve something. I'd 
> gladly pay $10, perhaps $15, but $25 is a bit much.
>       Oh well, time to find a copy of 98lite v2.x I guess, or use Revenge 
> Of Mozilla. (Internet Explorer extraction program made by the folks at 
> Netscape)
> Peace,
> •---------------------------------•
> |        the ·TechnoDragon·       |
> |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     |
> •---------------------------------•
> | |
> •---------------------------------•
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