Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2001 10:24:40 +0800
From: Viboon Chaojirapant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re[2]: 98Lite and OE5...


>       I remember when it used to be fre, then trial expiring after a month
> or so. Now I just checked the site again,and it's demo. You can download 
> 98lite, but it'll only show you how much space will be freed up if you pay 
> money for the software. And $25 is asked for a piece of software that will 
> only be used once, or twice? :P

Just want to point out that 98Lite is free and
does not expire. It _will_ remove IE and un-needed
Win98 things from the machine.

The difference between 98Lite and 98Lite Pro is
that the later is a shareware and contains more

Surf to for
more information. Here is a quote from that page:

"This FREE Preview is a no-nags, unlimited preview
for what 98lite Professional can do to
dramatically improve performance and stability
under Windows. The feature set of this preview is
restricted compared to the Professional version,
but you do get the most important functions that
speed up your system with the following features:

Configure your desktop in three different ways
that suit you.

SLEEK - a blisteringly fast incarnation of the
        Windows 95 Explorer
CHUBBY - a faster Windows98 Explorer without
         the web integration
OVERWEIGHT - the fully featured Windows98 Explorer
             complete with web-view and active


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