Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 05:53:33 -0700 (PDT)
From: David Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Outlook 2K - sync??

Hey guys...

..After reading all of your issues off and on with
WIN98, I decided last weekend that the 95B was running
exceptionally well, and had no real problems to speak
of... however, I never was able to boot from floppy
and have floppy/CDROM supported by a floppy boot.

New issue.... I'm running Win2KPro on my home PC, and
would like to run Outlook 2K on my Libretto and have
them sync and work together .. I've tried everything I
can find (ActiveSync, Intellisync, Direct Cable
Connect (COM1, serial)) Network, TCP/IP .... What am I
missing here? 

I've read all I can find in regards to offline folders
(and it seems to require Exchange Server each time) -
I'm try to find a product to keep two full versions of
Outlook synched - not Pocket Outlook , not WinCE, just
two regular versions of Oulook  and via Netbeui or
TCP/IP preferably - the Libby is on my home network,
no problem - just can't get the two installs to play

I've installed and removed - reinstalle and rebooted
my way through the last week or so wrestling with this
one.. anyone else got this setup.... and got it

Thanks in advance..


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