Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 08:07:20 -0400
From: "Cooper, Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Dark screen

It always seems that as soon as I decide to make a change to my Lib something goes 
wrong.  I started a large copy job last night to back my files up on a server but 
forget to plug in the AC adapter to my 110.  Of course I rarely let the battery go 
down all the way so my power management was completely turned off.  This morning, the 
battery was completely drained and even on AC the display is too dark to view.  Via 
the port replicator I have an external display but as soon as I attempt to go internal 
it goes dark again.  I can see a faint copy of the desktop in the darkness so I know 
it's not a completely dead LCD.

Any simple solutions or is this something to do with the dreaded back light I vaguely 
recall reading about?


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