Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 17:13:42 +0100 (GMT/BST)
From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Libretto 30 *now* "blind" to fitted Hard Disk(s)

Are you absolutely sure that your Windows BSOD was not a result
of a hard disk or other hardware failure?

I would do the following:

Boot a version of Unix from floppy, and use the autodetect diagnostics
(which don't use the BIOS) to see if the disk hardware is working.

If it is, either there is something wrong with your BIOS, or something
written to your disks which convinces the BIOS to ignore it.

In either case, try and borrow another hard disk so see if you have a
failed disk, in which case your remedy is obvious - buy a new one.
They are very cheap.

If Unix can see the disk, but the BIOS can't, even with a different
disk installed, then you could either try re-installing the BIOS,
or toss windows altogether and stick with Linux - though you
would have to floppy boot. You could still run Windows under
VmWare if you need it.

Finally, if it is some other hardware fault, your motherboard
is probably shot and your only hope is Toshiba Japan - but the
cost will probably be prohibitive so it would probably be better
to look for a replacement on e-bay or some other second hand


Anthony Green:
> From daemon Thu May 31 16:50:05 2001
> X-Envelope-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 08:35:16 -0700
> From: Anthony Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Libretto 30 *now* "blind" to fitted Hard Disk(s)
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Pro Version 3.0 (16)
> X-Priority: 1 (Highest)

> Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 23:31:21 +0800 (HKT)
> From: Anthony Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Libretto 30 *now* "blind" to fitted Hard Disk(s)
> 31-05-01 @ 23:32
> I've a now useless Libretto 30 :
> I wrote & FAXed the following to : Toshiba Japan from my home in Hong Kong.
> I've edited it a bit before send in it to you for any thoughts / possible
> fixes :
>                  Reference Libretto CT30 - serial number 11621803
> The Libretto has a fault - it will NOT detect that any Hard Disk is
> inserted. This happened immediately after Win98 crashed with "blue screen
> of death". The computer checks the RAM, and then does nothing at all for
> several minutes before looking for the Floppy Drive.
> I have done several tests before taking it to Chevalier, your Hong Kong
> distributor - and they confirm that they can not get it to "find" any Hard
> Disk inserted into the computer, and the BIOS screen can not be changed to
> show a Hard Disk is there. 
> Chevalier can not try to repair it since they have never handled this model
>  and have no spare parts. [It was a "grey market" import]
> I suppose that *only* your repair shop in Japan could fix it, or is there
> anything I (an electronics engineer) can do to repair it here?
> My Libretto is a treasured friend - I don't want to have to buy a
> competitor's portable, so PLEASE RESPOND PROMPTLY.
> I **NOW add the following :-
> Since it seems remarkably stupid to have made this computer **HAVE** to
> detect the presence of a Hard Disk - whoever heard of a portable computer
> being sold WITHOUT a Hard Disk being installed - *AND* have the BIOS
> option of booting from Floppy *OR* HD, the circuit designer ought to get
> castigated for this ridiculous situation!
> NOW : Is there any way of FORCING the BIOS / Computer to recognise that a
> HD **IS** fitted - even if this means soldering a wire from one point to
> another?
> As an Electronics Engineer, that is something I am perfectly capable, and
> equipped to do - if I am provided with the correct information and circuit
> diagram and a picture of the physical layout of this computer showing what
> link(s) I would need to make / break.
> Just because of the stupidity of the original designer, an otherwise
> excellent portable - which I have used extensively for storing digital
> camera pictures on my travels - is NOW totally UNUSABLE.
> I'm taking a trip in three weeks time, and really **NEED** an urgent fix
> for this computer.          <UNQUOTE>
> Tonight I received this rather unhelpful response out'a Toshiba Japan :
> (again, edited lightly for brevity).    
> Thank you for using our product and also sending us a letter regarding
> repair of Libretto 30CT.
> I am afraid that you PC is Japanese domestic model ( officially sold in
> Japanese market only) and not covered by International repair
> warranty.Therefore it can be repaired in Japanese authorized repair center
> only. In addition, we do not sell any repair part to the customers. As
> reasons above, please send PC to following repair center.
> Atten; Mr. Hagiwara
>           Toshiba PC repair center
> Add; 5-20-7, Masago, Mihama-ku, Chiba, 261-0011, Japan
> Phone; 81-43-278-8122
> Before send PC to Japan, Please understand several limitation as below.
> 1. All repair costs must be borne to you. Remit amount to our account
> before start repairing or pay it by cash on delivery after repaired is
> preferable. Accept Japanese Yen Only.
> Cost is such as repair part and labor fee, customs fee, and shipping cost
> back and force between Japan and Hong Kong.
> 2. Tell us which address we should return PC after repaired. It limits
> Japanese address only, since strict export control and it's notion of that
> your PC is not just a product but your property, it makes very hard for us
> a company to ship your PC to your place, Hong Kong directly.
> +++++++++++  end of message from Japan.
> Well, I have to ask, has anyone had this problem of the HD *NOT* being
> found - it is impossible to set the BIOS to show the HD is fitted - the
> hi-lite just "jumps" over the HD specification. likewise, a previously
> captured CMOS backup file with a "restore" mode can NOT force the setting
> of the HD.
> ............and if so, did they find a cure for this problem. It seems
> absolutely ridiculous to "jump thro' hoops" to get it fixed in Japan.
> Regards : Anthony Green.
>  ...I used to have a handle on life, but it fell off.    
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