Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 11:33:50 +0100
From: "Jason Mayfield-Lewis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Libretto Digest #1367

Been using Office 2k on my lib 100 for ages now... No problems, but then
again I'm running win2k...

> To: "Libretto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2001 2:57 PM
> Subject: Outlook 2000 invalid instruction - is this a Libretto quirk?
> > Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2001 20:49 +0000
> > Subject: Outlook 2000 invalid instruction - is this a Libretto quirk?
> >
> > I have a problem...
> > Installed Outlook 2000 about month and half ago and it was problematical
> from the start - notably illegal operations pointing to <invalid
> in unknown module> forcing the program to close. This ALWAYS occurred when
> clicked on the <customise> button under <tools> on main toolbar... I also
> had problems with synchronising contacts via ActiveSync which may have
> related to the overall state of poor health of my installed copy of O2K...
> long story cut short - after uninstaloling/reinstalling and applying the
> <detect and repair utility> several times without curing the problem I
> reformatted hard-drive and reinstalled windows (Neil - remember that
> desperate phone call I made to you whilst trying to reinstall Windows
> 95??!)... the idea was that this <unknown module> could have been a relic
> my hard-drive from some unknown program of the past.
> > After installing O2K again all worked fine... until few days ago when
> overnight the old problem cam back. I have gone through the Assisted
> option at Microsoft in desperation (at cost!) and even they are stumped so
> far. O2K still behaves the same way in safe mode and with all pst and mapi
> files checked/renamed etc. I am beginning to wonder whether the Libretto
> itself and its OS (yes I know it's Win95 but...) are the root of my
> problems. If anyone has had similar experience please let me know.
> Incidentally I initially thought my AV software and perhaps Word 97 were
> causing problems. I even stripped out all office related program material
> using the <eraser> utility from MS and reinstalled outlook - still same
> problem.
> >
> > GW

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