Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 09:26:04 +1000
From: Dan Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: in car power supply

G'Day Neil,
                   All the info I have came from Dr. Xin's site in the cool tips section, I know what everyone is saying 
about dirty power from both motorbikes and cars. I know I was taking a 
risk in plugging my little libby in to the car but I did and it 
survived, so did all the others that are talked about on Xin's site...
       For me the Libretto is impractical as a desktop machine, it's 
just too small, but in combination with a GPS it is brilliant for in-car 
navigation as well as hiking and camping. The cost of extended batteries 
(I would love a couple!) is insane, especially when one Australian 
Dollar is worth half a U.S. and a third of  a Pound! The libby cost me 
$800 Australian including C.D Rom, network and modem card. This was very 
cheap and I could not pass it up. However, batteries are $140 for normal 
and $220 for extended, I cannot justify even one...
       I was put on to Xin's site and found the cheater circuit there to 
trick the beast into accepting 12 Votls as an input. The photos on the 
site and replies from users all over the world convinced me it was safe 
(replies are in the cool talk section). The battery is fused as is the 
Libby itself and the where's and how-to's of repairing a broken fuse are 
all shown and described.
       As I said, I understand all of the concerns and negatives of 
doing what I do, but having done it now for two plus years I am happy 
with what I am doing and will quite happily point people in the 
direction of Xin's site. It is the only practical means for me to use 
the Libretto's functionality.
       I  do have an inveter mounted in my 4x4, and have on occasion 
used that to power the Libretto, however the current consumption, as I 
am sure you know, is well up compared to a direct connection.
       What are your thoughts on all of this Neil? How do you power your 
unit and what do you use it for mainly?

       I would be interested to hear from other users as to their uses 
and means in regards to their Librettos.

       Best Regards,
                                   Dan Baker.

neil barnes wrote:

> Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 05:30:59
> From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: in car power supply
> Dan,
> I'd be very happy to see the schematics for the intenal PSU of the lib 
> - can you point me at them, or email, please?
> Neil
>> From: Dan Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Reply-To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: Libretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: in  car power supply
>> Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 21:35:24 -0700
>> Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 14:32:34 +1000
>> From: Dan Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: in  car power supply
>> I understand where you are coming from pres, but the libretto 50 has
>> plenty of filtration of its own... the charger is built in to the unit
>> and if you check the schematics can happily take 16.6 volts, yes your
>> car can produce a surge greater than this voltage but it is very, very,
>> rare....
>>   There are 20+ people I know who regularly use there 50 ct's in car
>> via a cig socket, sure fuse it for a bit of extra safety but it is quite
>> fine...
>>   Yes, spend $50.00 and get an inverter (a lot of which aren't much
>> safer than your car anyway), if you are uncomfortable with the direct
>> plug-in.
>>   All I was relaying was that I know plenty of people who do it and I
>> am one of them... No probs my end for two plus years now...
>> Best Regards,
>>                       Dan Baker.
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