Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 08:31:49 -0500
From: "Richard Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Well my on going experiment of turning my Lib 50 into a jukebox continues.

To date I've:
        overclocked the Libby to 100
        stripped down windows as lean as possible using Lite98
        installed a 13 gig hard drive
        replaced Explorer with LiteShell
        tried about 15 players to find one that wouldn't skip/stutter

So, here are my remaining problems after spending two weeks on holidays with
the Libby in the car.

        It still takes TOO LONG TO BOOT!  it can take five minutes from pressing
        power button until I start hearing tunes!
        Occasionally it would still stutter.
        Twice it shut down due to overheating.
        Using only WinAmp & directors is too difficult find songs with 12 gig out
        Using MusicLibary to manage songs slows things down and the interface has
        too much going on for the size of the Libby's screen.

I admit I've got a pretty high standard I'm trying to hit, but I think it
should be attainable.  Essentially, I what the Libby to behave like an audio
component.  No one would accept a CD player that took five minutes to start
up.  No one would use a radio that skipped occasionally.  All I want is

Now I'm back to exploring other options.  I'm convinced that the real
villain it Windows, so I'm asking the list for other suggestions.

Ideally, I thing I need an OS without a GUI so that I can get a quicker boot
time.  But, I still need a player that will handle the huge number of songs
I have.  So far, I've been looking for a DOS player, but can't find anything
that will do more that play one song at a time or may be a sub directory at
a time.  Also, stopping to type in command line stuff isn't very safe in a
moving car!

I did find something for the GEM environment, but haven't had a chance to
try it yet.

Can anyone suggest a DOS player or a Linux console player?

Can anyone make any other suggests?

If this fails, I may just buy a hard drive based MP3 player (archos) and use
the Libby for something else.

Bye for now.

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