Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2001 13:23:08 -0500
From: "Paul Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Networking a 70CT

For those who asked, when I tried to insert the cardbus PCMCIA card into the
L70, it went in.  It didn't feel quite right but it wasn't a total mismatch
either.  Definitely did not require a hammer and visually appeared to be
properly inserted.  Didn't work worth a darn, though.  Baby didn't even
recognize a card had been inserted.

Hey!  I finally found it!  I had stuck it in a drawer when I couldn't find a
way to use it and hadn't seen it for months.  It is a SIIG USB PC Card,
single port.  It does say that it is CardBus but that terminolgy didn't mean
anything except PCMCIA to me (prior to this educational experience).
Comparing it to my other PCMCIA cards, it doesn't look much different.  Hole
layout and thickness are identical to the eye.  One difference is that the
surface above the plug holes appears to be metallic (brass?) and, set back
about 1/4 inch, are eight pinhead sized bumps.  I presume these create
interference as you try to plug the card in the last little bit.  If no one
has ever mentioned that there is the possibility of incompatibility, it just
feels like a tight fit.  With a little effort, it will go in far enough to
make the ejector pop out and seem normal.  (Just tried it again on the
enhanced port expander).

There is a parallel port HPNA adaptor on eBay.  I'm going to try for it.
Will let you know.


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