Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 09:55:55 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] re: 110ct/memory upgrade/RTC battery

At 06:24 PM 19/10/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 21:19:15 -0400
>From: Richard Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: re: 110ct/memory upgrade/RTC battery
>I just picked up a 110ct from e-bay and a 32 meg memory upgrade (Kingston 
>technology KTT-LBT/32)
>I followed the instruction to take off the keyboard, but when I went to put 
>the memory module in the laptop, the RTC battery was where the module would 
>go.  The memory module did not seem to lie flat on top of the battery.

I think thats just because someone else had opened the libby and didn't know where the 
RTC battery should go or forgot to tuck it in right and had reassembled too much of it 
to be bothered fixing the problem. It should tuck down the FRONT of the circuit board 
in that region and not on TOP of it (between the circuit board and the battery 
'bulkhead' - there should be a little space molded into the circuit board surround for 
it). You'll need to remove the top half of the libby to put the battery back where it 
should be.

>1) Is this the right memory module?

Sounds right (of course I should probably check but I can't be bothered, I woke up 5 
minutes ago)

>2) Is this where the battery should be (or did some one do a cheesy 

If it looks like a few watch batteries wrapped in green shrink wrap with a couple of 
leads coming out and ending in a well terminated plug it should be pretty good.

>3) Is the problem just me being a klutz?

Can't answer that one ;-)

- Raymond

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