Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 20:17:33
From: "neil barnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Calling Neil Barnes... Neil Barnes to the hotel lobby Internet 

>Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 08:39:50 +0000
>From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [LIB] Calling Neil Barnes... Neil Barnes to the hotel lobby 
>Internet Cafe...
>So what the heck takes you to the tropical heat and humidity of Brazil in
>the middle of summer down there...  work/recreation... or probably a bit of

Pleasure...been working so long, I used some long term leave up :)

>both, huh?  Well... with 167 emails... you have your typing fingers full.

No worries - at 20C/minute(US) it was select all, deselect one or two...

>We'll be looking forward to a brief travel tale when you land back home.

1600km in the last five days (taking it steady and working up the coast), 
unpaved roads that drop 1500m in 15km, in fog, then rain, then thunder, then 
they turn into rivers... the best bit being defered to by a 4*4 who figured 
if my tiny VW Gol could do it, he could too... taking time out to dig out 
some idiot that isn't bright enough not to park on loose sand :) ...reading 
the Gutenberg collection (well, bits of it) on the lib... taking lots of b/w 
pics on the 5*4 camera and developing the results in bathrooms... It turns 
out that the 70 has just the right sized screen to use as a lightbox for 5*4 
negs, which gives me an idea for a scanner, but it will have to wait till I 
get back to my bits box!

>Guess you know to drink only bottled water!

Water? WATER??!?? for drinking? Round here they only use water for raining 
with...Cerveja Antartica, Brahma, Bohemia...oh, and Caipirinhas. Lots and 
lots of caipirinhas!

Neil (lat 16 south, lots west, 35C, 2" rain today) (so far)

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