Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 19:15:23 +0000
Subject: Newbie needs help please!

Hi Librettoizers / Librettoists .. ?  ;-)

I enjoy motorcycle / camping in the UK (so far) and to help me around I
use a Garmin GPS III+ (Global Positioning System .. satellites and

To program a journey path (a 'route' in GPS terms) I currently use a
Garmin program called MapSource. This runs on any W95/98/NT4, 16M Ram,
Min 20M HD space and 256 colour display style PC and connects to the GPS
unit via a std Serial port. It doesn't need 'speed' as such but when you
scroll / re-size a map it has to do quite a bit of work.

Also, you can download higher detail maps from the PC to the GPS if
needed but the GPS will only hold a small(ish) area as it only has 1.4M
of internal memory?

Now, when we head off we normally know where our first destination is so
we can plot the route on our home PC and all is fine. The problem starts
when we want to go from the first campsite to the second and so on. It
might be outside the fine detail map area and plotting a route on the
GPS itself is quite awkward.

Garmin now do a GPS V (version 5) but I'm quite happy with my III+  if I
could find a portable 'real' PC to interface with it?  .... Enter the
"Libretto" ! ;-)

So, I'm looking for a supplier of one in the UK, but would like some
advice / guidance re:

1) What model would be most suitable (and why .. eg any Models to

2) Where would be the best place to buy one? (I have browsed the
auctions on eBay, Yahoo, QXL etc but the prices / options vary wildly)

3) What sort of money should I be expected to pay and what accessories
are 'essential' .

I have been playing with hardware / electronics and std PC's for years
but have little experience with laptops (I do have a T2150CDS if that
counts!) so I need your help (please).

Anyone got something that would suit they are looking to sell?

All the best and thanks for your time in any case ..

T i m (in Nth London)

p.s. Will the 'accessories' (docking stations / batteries etc)  for say
the 50CT also fit the 100CT ... ?

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