Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2002 23:20:50 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Red Hat Linux on the L50

OK I know this has been covered before but for some reason, I can't find any ACTIVE 
servers from which I can download the patch to activate the floppy diskette drive ... 
I've got the PCMCIA slots 'working' now (insomuch as they can detect whats plugged 
into them) but the fdd keeps giving me 'unrecognised block device' errors. The links I 
can find on the net all seem to point to or , both of which seem to be 
dead. Anyone know of any other place where I can grab it from? I'm running Red Hat 
6.2, kernel 2.2.14-5.0.

Also, I'm probably looking in the wrong places but I'm having one hellava time trying 
to figure out how to get Linux to detect my PCMCIA network card (a Bromax iPort 10/100 
NIC, NE2000 compatible) and how to configure it appropriately for networking. Can 
anyone point me in the right direction? I've only ever set up networking/NICs at 
install time but I installed this HDD in another box (Kudzu was kind enough to remove 
all the stuff that my other box had but the libby doesn't but it doesn't seem to want 
to install any of the new stuff). 

On the flip side, it turns out X configuration and getting sound working were heaps 
easier than I thought ... Xconfigurator seems to work like a charm for once!

- Raymond


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