Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 19:16:13 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Red Hat Linux on the L50

At 06:20 PM 11/02/2002 -0800, you wrote:
>Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 18:14:02 -0800
>From: Skip Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [LIB] Red Hat Linux on the L50
>> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:35:38 +0800
>> From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: [LIB] Red Hat Linux on the L50
>> Thanks ... the thing is, I don't even think its getting that far. I get no link 
>lights on the card for
>> instance - it seems to be that the card is identified but Linux can't figure out 
>what to do with it.
>   If this is true, then you should get a high beep and then a low beep.

OK I've been stuffing around and, at a variety of times got a single low beep, a high 
beep followed by a low beep and 2 high beeps. None of them gave me access to the 
network or link lights however ... I've tried recompiling the PCMCIA module without 
luck (in fact it went and got rid of my pcmcia.conf which sorta annoyed me a bit). How 
would I go about reinstalling PCMCIA support from scratch? I can't find any mention of 
pcmcia when I do 'make menuconfig' within the linux source ...

>> > A good idea, but the stock kernel supports pretty much any network card,
>> > if the kernel is confused about what module to load you can put a line in
>> > /etc/modules.conf to be explicit about which one to load:
>> >   
>> >        alias eth0 ne2
>> How would you ID it as ne2? Here's what I get when I run 'cardctl ident':
>> Socket 0:
>>   product info: "PCMCIA", "10/100 Ethernet Card", "", ""
>>   manfid: 0x0274, 0x1106
>>   function: 6 (network)
>The system logs will probably be more informative.  This is what is in 
>on my Lib100 after inserting a Linksys network card:
>Feb 11 12:34:43 talitha cardmgr[490]: socket 0: Linksys EtherFast 10/100 Fast 
>Feb 11 12:34:43 talitha kernel: cs: memory probe 0x0d0000-0x0dffff: clean.
>Feb 11 12:34:44 talitha kernel: eth0: NE2000 (DL10019 rev 05): io 0x300, irq 
>3, hw_addr 00:E0:98:77:FE:8D
>Feb 11 12:34:43 talitha cardmgr[490]: executing: 'modprobe 8390'
>Feb 11 12:34:44 talitha cardmgr[490]: executing: 'modprobe pcnet_cs'
>Feb 11 12:34:44 talitha cardmgr[490]: executing: './network start eth0'
>  You probably have a something like the first line, it indicates that the 
>card services saw the card.
>  The second line depends upon your card opts and might not even exist for you
>  The third line is the key, it indicates that the cs knows what to do with 
>the card.  If you don't have
>  a line like that then you probably need to edit /etc/pcmcia/config so that 
>your card is recognized.
>  The HOWTO gives details.  (My copy of /etc/pcmcia/config has a commented out 
>NE2000 entry
> 'Too generic ?' that might be suitable for you to use).

I get all those lines bar './network start eth0' ... when I execute that myself it 
gets stuck at 'getting IP' or something like that ... but I still get no link light ...

the NEXT question is how the heck do I get floppy support going? I've extracted the 
floppy patch to /usr/src/linux/pcmcia-cs-3.1.8 and executed 'cat 
pcmcia-cs-3.1.8/modules/patches/floppy22.E.fix | patch -p0' but I can't figure out how 
to enable PCMCIA support as a module ... I can't find any mention of it in 'make 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

- Raymond


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