Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 19:25:30 +0000
Subject: Re: [LIB] Some answers please?

Hi David,

David VanHorn wrote:

> >
> >Also, is there any reason why I *shouldn't* install W95 (OSR2?) on it
> >(It's got RedHatV(?) on it at the moment) in the hope that it would do all
> >I need (just Win95/98 GPS map routing software (Mapsource) and digital
> >still camera offloads) and that's the sort of OS that was around when the
> >Libby was first out? (wasn't it?)
> That's what's running on my 50, actually 98 SE, with all patches.
> I have WinAPRS, (a gps thing) and the entire 700 megs of precision mapping.
> Nice to have when you're 600 miles from home in Minnesota, and you suddenly
> need to drive to Colorado springs.. :)

[T] Hi David,

Thanks for the reply and info. Sounds like the Libby is ideal for GPS work
.(Dan uses one in Aus).

How long does yours run on batteries and are you in a car or on a bike?

All the best.

T i m

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