Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 23:46:32 +0000
Subject: Re: [LIB] Some answers please?

Hi Phillip,

Thanks very much for the .02c ;-)  vv

phillip ramirez wrote:

> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 17:02:11 -0600
> From: "phillip ramirez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [LIB] Some answers please?
> Reason I would use the dock is cause you don’t have to spend the extra
> money on the pcmcia card which is expensive and risk loosing the dongle.
> Buy a second dock for home.. Just my .02

[T] I agree with the price on PCMCIA <> Serial (they seem to be around 100
pounds new) but I'm not quite sure how big / heavy the Mini port extender is
(I don't mean it's big or heavy but it's not as invisible as a PCMCIA card
... it's just we have to try and cut down to the minimum when motorcycle

I take your point re the dongle though .. ;-(

Thanks for your time Phillip .. ;-)

T i m

> -----Original Message-----
> From: T i m [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 9:22 AM
> To: Libretto
> Subject: [LIB] Some answers please?
> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2002 15:11:02 +0000
> From: T i m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Some answers please?
> Hi All,
> I'm about the become the proud owner of a 50CT (32M) with all the basic
> bits and will need a 12V power supply for it.
> Where would be the best place, what sort of price please (I'm in the UK)
> (model number?) (nothing on eBay at the moment)?
> Also, is there any reason why I *shouldn't* install W95 (OSR2?) on it
> (It's got RedHatV(?) on it at the moment) in the hope that it would do
> all I need (just Win95/98 GPS map routing software (Mapsource) and
> digital still camera offloads) and that's the sort of OS that was around
> when the Libby was first out? (wasn't it?)
> Lastly, rather than taking the Mini port extender with me when we are
> out on our motorcycle / camping trips, I thought about using a PCMCIA to
> Serial card to provide a COM: port.? Can anyone see any problems with
> that?
> All the best and I thank you for your time in advance ..
> T i m (London)
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