Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 08:21:58 +0100
From: "Gerhard Kapusta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AW: [LIB] Win2000 & Libretto 100CT

Hi Leonardo!

I strongly recommend Win2k. It is stable and reliable, all Lib-features
(power management, suspend & hibernation, card station with USB, hot dock,
hot swap and so on) work perfectly. I use it without problem.

Of course it is a bit slower than W98, but try to avoid to run unnecessary
programs in the background and do not install a lot of programs into the
right corner of the systray - this can save some memory space.

I would recommend to change the disk, because 2.1GB is not much for Win2k, a
fresh installation without software uses already 1 GB! But disks are cheap
now and you have the choice up to 40GB now! Make sure to get a 9.5mm disk,
12mm will not fit into the Lib without ugly body modification!


Gerhard Kapusta

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