Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 08:26:59 -0500
From: "Markus Benne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help installing OS on 100CT

I bought a used 100CT without an OS on it.

I'm having a lot of "issues" getting win 95 loaded up on it.  I have 95
flopppies from my Lib70CT, but using that OS install, I can't get access
to the CDROM for the real install.

I have downloaded all the 100CT accessories and utilities and OS
upgrades and controls.  Several of the disks don't have install programs
with them so I'm unsure as to where to put the contents of the disks.

I'd appreaciate a hand getting this baby up and running.


Markus Benne
Ceyba Inc.
Senior Software Designer
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tel:  (613) 599-5797, ext. 5091
Fax:  (613) 599-1247

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