Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 19:50:30 +0700
Subject: Re: making MP3s to fill ymnew HDD  [LIB]

> Winamp will convert a cd to mp3

It will? I thought it just played them...  doh. I'll go look.
But does it make a good job of it?
I'm not in a rush, just prefer to "get it right first time" as it were.

> but don’t know if it does cddc??

Ahem...  what is cddc?

> Musicmatch does a very good job.. Basicly the best way to rip a cd is
> to close all apps and tasks running cept those needed and then start
> the rip process

No problem there, as the best time for me to access the CD (long story,
in another PC over a network) is when I'm asleep.

BTW should have mentioned previously - L110/Win'2K

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