Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 02:33 +0000
Subject: Re: [LIB] Lib 1100 panel-mounted mouse - how quick and

|Ya you end up doing things like tapping 4 times to emulate a right click. No thanks. 
|And how will you do a 
|right drag? Or a mouseover (as opposed to a mouse drag)?
|>Dragging is easy and possible: I can drag on the CE desktop surface, in the Windows 
|explorer and in applications (not in PocketWord because not implemented for whatever 
|reasons): simply clicking and dragging.
|Umm ... RIGHT dragging. LEFT dragging is (relatively) easy if a down-move-up is 
|classed as a drag (and not a normal mouse move). I dunno about you but under PC 
|Windows I right drag in Explorer all the time (to get the drag context menu).
|>Tapping 2 times for a right click: Right drag = "alt"+click+drag.
|>Sorry Ray, I do not know, what a mouse-over is. 
|Where you move the mouse to a position (such as a link or icon) but don't click on 

A mouse-over is not necessary, because you do not have a cursor on CE, when you use 
the stylus. In my opinion the only purpose of a mouse-over is the feedback to the 
user, where he is positioning the mouse, because the mouse/trackball is not directly 
on the screen. With a stylus/pen pointing device, you do not need this kind of 
feedback as long the device is calibrated right, and you can see, where are you 
pointing to (unless one is not handicaped and needs a sort of assistive technology).

|If tapping 2 times is a right click then how do you double click? Double rightclick? 
|And like you said, you 
|still need another button (alt in this case) to do a right drag. What about a 
|shift-rightclick (which you 
|sometimes DO need to do)?

I suspect a misunderstanding: right-click = alt+click+up; tapping 2 times = 
double-click, what I meant with 2 times tapping in opposite to tapping 4 times: 
|Ya you end up doing things like tapping 4 times to emulate a right click. No thanks. 

shift-rightclick: have not done it, will try it. I normally use the ordinary 
left-click and left-drag.
For the left-hand-holding tasks - like entering a contact, an appointment or so - 
left-click is usually enough.


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