Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 21:43:59 -0800
From: "Tom Stangl, VFAQman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DOS Card socket services?

Help me before I go insane!

I'm trying to get a 20Gig HD installed in my Lib100, and for the life of
me, I can't remember how I got the one installed in my 110 (I remember
fighting with a ton of floppies).

I've tried Ghosting the 110 drive to the 100 drive, but I can't get the
3Com 3C589D card working with the Ghost boot floppy. It USED to, but the errors out now, and I'm not sure what I'm missing - I've been
all over 3Com's site, and tried the driver install downloads multiple
times.  The card works, as I can use it in Win98 on the 110.

Since I have to use IBM's Disk Manager, it seems the Ontrack overlay
screws my chances of simply dropping the new 20Gig HD into a PCMCIA case
and jacking it in, copying files to it - when I jack it into the 110 (or
the 100 with the original 2.1G HD), it loads the drivers, but doesn't
see the single 2Gig partition I have on there so far.

At this point, I don't necessarily want to Ghost over the old drive,
since each system might be used for different things, and I think I want
to start completely fresh.  But if I can get the 3Com3C589D card
working, I guess I might Ghost it over - does anyone use this card, and
if so, what files do you use for a DOS boot floppy to get it to work?

So, on to the actual Subject of the email.  It seems the PCMCIA CD drive
I have has the drivers for DOS (and I KNOW they've worked, I used to
have a boot floppy with card socket services on it SOMEWHERE), but no
card socket services.

If I can get some DOS card socket services that work with the Lib110, I
can create a boot floppy that will allow CD access, and install nice and

And before people tell me to just format the HD in the Lib, move it to a
desktop, and copy the CAB files over, remember the IBM overlay - it
seems to be screwing with the ability of the Lib100 with Win98 to read
the drive, so I'm not holding my breath about plugging it into my Win98
desktop and reading it either.

Tom Stangl
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