Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 11:46:57 +0700
Subject: Re: [LIB] New Vaio about the size of a 110

> Slight problem, unlike a CRT, the physical resolution of an LCD is fixed
> in hardware. To drop resolution, you either get black borders (which
> defeates the purpose) or you'll have to map more than 1 hardware pixel to
> each software pixel (going from 1024x768 hardware to 800x600 software such
> as when zoomed in you'll need to map 1.6384 (1.28*1.28) hardware pixels to
> 1 software pixel). This invariably means things go fuzzy which just seems
> to make things worse for me. Its OK if you're on a 15" 1600x1200 LCD and
> you're dropping to 800x600 because you're mapping 4 hardware pixels (2*2)
> to each software pixel but if you're already pressed for space it sorta
> just gets annoying.

I'll go along with this entirely - took my Libretto (110) "shopping" and
plugged it into several external TFT VDUs - it was impossible to choose
between 800x600 24 bit ("fuzzy" because I could not find any 800x600 pixel
VDUs, everything was 1024x768 or higher) or 1024x768 16 bit (fixed the
"fuzziness", but simply not enough colours!).

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