Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 16:05:28 +0000
From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] Phantom disks??

>From: Digby Tarvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I have partitioned my hard disk (IBM 20GB) with 3 primary partitions
>of about 1.5GB each, and the remainder in a Linux extended partion.
>My intention was to have the original Toshiba Windows95 in the
>first partition, BSD Unix in the second (BSD needs a primary partition
>which it sub-divides into its own partitions), the third partition reserved 
>for any other OS I want to run that needs a primary partition (eg NT, 
>OS-9000) etc.
>The problem is that when I installed Windows on the first partition, it
>seemed to think that I had two additional drives (partitions) available.
>I had expected one additional drive, because partition 3 is currently >of 
>type FAT32, but it sees drives C:, D: and E:??

I had a very similar problem installing Redhat on a friend's system a few 
years back.  Two non-existant partitions suddenly appeared in an existing 
Win95 single partition setup after installing Redhat, and I forget... it was 
either impossible to boot Win95, or it took AGES.  And nothing could find 
the partitions that Windows was reporting.

It was suggested to do a 'fdisk /mbr' thinking that the partition table had 
been corrupted.  That didn't work.  The concensus opinion was that I'd have 
to delete all partitions and re-install everything.  But I had so much 
invested in the Win95 setup, I didn't want to take the time to do that.

I figured out a workaround for the problem that worked well.  I used 
Partition Magic to create 2 extra tiny logical partitions on the Windows 
primary, and hid the rest.  I was able to reinstall Redhat and System 
Commander after that to manage booting OSs, and Win95 and Redhat lived 
happily with each other after that.  Perhaps lilo or another Linux 
bootloader will work for you.

But I'm assuming you made sure that you set those other non-Windows 
partitions to 'hidden' before you installed Windows on the first partition, 
right?  Or are Linux partitions supposed to be invisable to Windows?  I 
suspect that it was the Redhat installation that caused Windows to see two 
extra partitions, as Win95 had not seen them before.


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