Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 15:57:34 +0200
From: "Gerhard Kapusta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Libretto 110, 8gb barrier

Hi Raymond!

> OK and how will you boot to this second installation if, say, your boot
> record is damaged? Or if you need to perform a drive image without another
> computer to put the hard drive in? The way you put it, it seems like the
> second installation is a Win2k or NT installation


> (as if it were a 9x
> installation you'll need a drive overlay) so if you get a virus that
> targets WinNT/2k system files, how will you clean it? Either way you slice
> it, if you're going to do ANY recovery that involves more than copying
> an existing, intact file system, you'll need to have some way of seeing
> whole drive. And the only way of doing that without NT/2k (which you won't
> have in a recovery situation) is using a drive overlay.

Since years I never had the situation, that the boot record was damaged. But
if that would happen, I simply install WinNT or Win2000 fresh over the
second installation. The "work" installation is not touched by this
procedure, it will be useable later by editing boot.ini.
If either the "second" or the "work" installation is corrupt for any reason,
I simply restore a backup by copying complete partitions with the other
intstallation. (All my computers are connected via LAN)
I use only WinNT/Win2000, also for recovery and backup, up to now I had no
need for other operating systems (Ok, this is not fully true, sometimes I
use DOS-floppys with some hardware-tools or to flash a BIOS etc.).


Gerhard Kapusta

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