Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 09:43:56 -0700
From: "Brandon Lin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Screen Enhancement

I have found a place to purchase diplay enhacement films like sunlight anti
reflective anti glare films and brightness enhancement films but they need
me to order $350 dollars or more at once. I know this works because does it for $300-500 a piece. I was wondering if i bought
the films would anybody be interested in me working on their unit for $100 a
piece to cover my loses of buying in bulk? Thanks.


P.S. The anti sunlight film is applied directly to the surface of the LCD
but the brightness enhancement requires that I disasseble the LCD and
sandwich it inside. I will do it first to my two units and then work on
anybody else's to minimize trial and error with someone elses machine but i
still can't garuntee that the screen will come out working with the
brightness enhancement, but if you just want the antisunlight film, which i
will garuntee will work after i operate, i will charge less.

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