Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2002 09:11:11 +0800
From: Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] LiIon AA Batteries?

At 01:38 PM 30/08/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 20:33:28 +0000
>From: "Matthew Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: LiIon AA Batteries?
>Does anyone who's been involved in rebuilding Libretto power packs know if 
>there's any such thing as LiIon AA batteries, and chargers, that can be 
>used with electronic devices that take standard AA alkaline batteries?  I 
>thought I remembered a list thread on this at one point, but I don't seem 
>to find anything in the archives.  And I can't come up with anything on 
>the topic searching with Google.  Are LiIon too volatile in some way that 
>make them a bad choice for these sorts of uses?
>It would really be slick to be able to use them in this MP3 player.  I 
>think the most powerful NiMH AAs I've seen are rated at around 1700 
>mAh.  But I'm already getting an hour more out of the 1500 mAh set I have 
>than the 2.5 hours the specs for this NEX II list.

You can buy equipment that is capable of taking both standard 
Alkaline/NiCAD/NiMH AA cells or LiIon cells but part of the reason why is 
because the battery compartment is designed such that the cavities for 
pairs of cells don't have a partition between them (and they rely on a 
little ridge in the plastic to separate the cells). You can then buy LiIon 
cells which are 2 AA cells wide and take the space of 2 AA cells (and so 
need the space between cell cavities in the device in order to fit), hence 
providing a similar voltage (of course the device itself is also aware of 
the fact that the voltage is slightly different). Olympus cameras are an 
example. The device really needs to be designed for it though (I wasn't 
aware of this to begin with and was wondering why the battery cavity was so 
weirdly shaped in my camera).

Of course, there isn't anything stopping you from doing a bit of 
experimentation but it'd probably involve grafting an external pack on or 
something ... you CAN get AA NiMH cells that are rated at 2.1AH though so 
those may be worth a try first. Also make sure you're charging them right, 
you only really get top capacity from NiMH using a proper negative-delta 
charger (it detects when the voltage curve starts coming back down again, 
indicating the cell is fully charged) or some other intelligent charger. 
The standard 'ram this much voltage in and just time it' sort of charger 
isn't much good for them (as I found out the hard way ...). Such chargers 
aren't all that expensive nowadays anyway.

- Raymond


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