Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2003 13:47:32 +0000
From: "Matt Hanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [LIB] HELP!

Its great but there are no drivers on the boot disk for a pcmcia CD drive!
Any idea how I get the bootup disk to see the drivers from my EXP PCMCIA
Portable CD-Rom drive?

David Chien is one of the resident experts on what I think is called Card and Socket Services for DOS PCMCIA driver setups, but I don't know if he's up on EXP drives.

The most practical solution for setting up Windows on the Libby hard drives is to get a cheap 3.5" to 2.5" IDE adapter. Pull the HDD out of the Libby, and plug it in as the master drive in a desktop PC running windows. Boot from a Win98 boot FDD, select 'CD-ROM support' with the Windows installation CD in the drive, CD\ to the CD-ROM drive, and run 'setup' from there. No info I'm especially privy to, as the process has been written up many times on the list throught the years where I 1st learned it.

My Windows 98SE stalls right after the startup sound.
I have tried to restore the registry as well as build a 1rst time registry
and it still freezes after the starup sound.

Sounds like you managed to access your drive though. That's a start! You might try hitting F8 at boot, and try going into safe mode. Not quite sure what else you can do to address your problems if you get there though. Maybe go into "Device Manager" (right click My Computer & selct "Properties") ans delete any drivers with yellow problem icons.

I assume you tried running scandisk from the DOS prompt, right?


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