Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 00:20:54 +0000
Subject: Re: [LIB] Will 4.3G into 50CT go please?

David Chien wrote:

> Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2004 21:12:45 -0800 (PST)
> From: David Chien <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [LIB] Will 4.3G into 50CT go please?
> 1) L50 & 9.5mm HDs.  As recommended, a full disassembly and removal of the
> plastic foam spacers beneath the black plastic sheeting in the HD bay is
> recommended to prevent the extra mm from delaminating the RAM chip pins from
> the motherboard as some have unfortunately encountered.

Hi David, long time no speak and thanks for the reply. Does this leave *any*
insulation between the HDD and it's surround?

> You can try and get
> away with a fatter HD in the L50 w/o removing those spacers, but don't come
> running for help when the RAM pins delaminate.  See Archives for past posts on
> this.

Indeed .. and hence the question re the status quo on such matters ;-)

> 2) L110 is the 'best' buy IMO and worth the upgrade from a L50, which I had.

Ok ..

> It's fast enough and power enough with a 20+GB HD & 64MB that I haven't gotten
> ticked off with it and still use it for email, web surfing, etc.  It's the
> 'nice' Libretto speedwise among these older models.

Cool ;-)

>    I found that even with an overclocked 100Mhz L50/J, I still couldn't stand
> how slow it was under Win98.

Bless it though .. for even trying .. ;-)

How far off the mark would a 100 be though David ..  if I had the option on a
'known' one? (apart from the disk space the 50 is *bearable* for the number of
times I use it?)

All the best ..

T i m

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