Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 08:04:33 EDT
Subject: Re: [LIB] Mic/Headset Plugs for L100/110

In a message dated 4/8/2004 9:47:09 PM Mountain Daylight Time, 

> >How about this?
> >
> >
> &rd=1
> Si... bueno...
> Funny... they look a bit shorter than the one I got at Radio Shack (here in 
> the US),

They are - I have both.

 but longer than the one I originally got with my 50CT.  I lost that 
> one somewhere along the way.  Unlike my old one, the pair there also look 
> like they have a metal casing.  Did those come with the 100/110 models?

Yes, at least with mine, bought used.

> I'd really like a super short one, or one that makes a 90 degree bend as 
> they really stick out and tend to get bent easily if your not careful.

Agreed, but haven't seen those anywhere.

> Replacing the jack in the Libretto with a standard 1/8" stereo jack would 
> be 
> the best... but I guess we've beaten that poor horse enough at this point
> Matt


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